Monday, December 30, 2019

The 8 Ways Managers Can Encourage Workplace Motivation

The 8 Ways Managers Can Encourage Workplace MotivationThe 8 Ways Managers Can Encourage Workplace MotivationThe fruchtwein important brainstorm you will ever experience about employees and motivation is to realize that you cant create motivation for people. No matter how much you need and want motivated employees, you are not capable of filling an employee up with motivation. As a manager or coworker, no matter how hard you try, people choose on their own whether to experience motivation at work. You cant motivate others. You can only choose motivation for yourself. This choice is recommended for success and happiness at work. Days speed quickly by and you are engrossed in the activities you enjoy. Challenges multiply because you are excited. You set and achieve challenging goals. You feel good about yourself and your self-esteem swells. Choose motivation for yourself. If you find you cant, seek out the career and job changing resources on Or, read about how to deal w ith a bad boss. Dont freeze in place. You really can do better than this. Thoughts for Managers About Workplace Motivation If you cant cause employees to experience motivation, is there anything that a manager or supervisor can do to encourage employees to experience motivation at work? The answer to this question is that there is a whole lot that you can do. Every time employers do an exit interview with an employee whom they would really have liked to have retained, they realize that people leave supervisors or managers more often than they leave employers or jobs. They also leave workplaces where they see no opportunity for advancement and where their career progredienz is not assured. If youre not paying attention to the quality of management employees receive in your organization, your door will become a revolving door. Your very best employees who know that they have options are usually the first to leave. Managers Have 8 Responsibilities in Supporting Workplace Motivat ion and Retention Thinking about employee motivation, here are eight management actions that cause people to stay with you as an employer. In work environments where factors such as behauptung dont exist, employees are much more likely to leave their jobs. You You need to pay attention to employees and help them feel important. This involves asking them how they are doing, thanking them for their efforts, and keeping commitments youve made to them. The more that you can do to help employees increase their self-esteem and the feelings of self-efficacy they experience, the better able they are to contribute successfully.Employees need to know that you value them and that they are respected as fellow humans. A phrase that is often cited to explain this phenomenon is we are all equal as people, we just have different jobs. Think about this as you interact with your reporting staff, coworkers, and customers. Keeping commitments is as simple as attending a scheduled meeting rather than p ostponing it because everything else is more important. The employee will feel as if everything else is more important- because you are demonstrating that it all is.Recognition is a key factor in employee motivation and people like to hear words of praise from their boss. They also enjoy their manager offering sincere thank yous to them for their approaches, accomplishments, and contributions.You need to provide solid direction so your staff knows that they are accomplishing important goals. One of the complaints heard most frequently from employees who are unhappy about having a bad boss is that the boss did not provide clear expectationsand direction. Employees who dont have clear direction are never sure about how they are performing. Not knowing how you are performing is a barrier to employees making improvements. and a negative for employee motivation The power of a supervisors feedback cannot be overemphasized. Employees, especially millennials, like feedback every day. They p refer specific feedback that reinforces the contributions the organization needs from them.Provide staff the opportunity to learn, grow and make career progress. In any study of employee engagement and motivation, a career path and knowing where they are goingin their career opportunities are important to employees. Again, millennials, who are used to full schedules and solid direction, need this the most of all of your employee groups. Finally, help employees feel like members of the in-crowd. This means that they want to know what is happening as quickly as everyone else- and- even earlier, if possible. This includes knowing the overall goals and direction, of your organization, understanding where their job fits within the bigger picture, and understanding the development of and changes to overall company strategy. How to Become a Manager Who Inspires Employee Motivation Do all of these activities wisely and well and youll be viewed as a positive, motivating supervisor or man ager and youll keep your best staff. Employees want to work in the environment described in these eight important points. Employees, after all, are adults and want to contribute and feel good about doing their jobs. If you follow these recommendations, you can create a workplace in which employees are more likely to choose motivation. More about Employee Motivation Tap Into Employee Discretionary EnergyTop 10 Ways to Destroy Motivation at Work18 Critical Factors to Improve Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

3 Dangers of Job Seekers Only Appealing to Recruiters

3 Dangers of Job Seekers Only Appealing to Recruiters3 Dangers of Job Seekers Only Appealing to RecruitersWhen job seekers first start poking around for a job search, many will reach out to recruiters, first. Many recruiters will offer advice and they are quite easy to find on LinkedIn, too. But if job seekers only try to appeal to the requests of recruiters, they will definitely put their job search in danger. In this post, we explain why appealing to recruiters as the lone source of finding work will set all job seekers up for failure.Note This is not recruiter-bashing post. There are many good recruiters who work hard for job seekers. More so, it explains the role they play.1. Putting all your eggs in the wrong basketAlthough recruiters may be the first people job seekers speak with or the first people they contact, their main tasks are to manage relationships. They make sure resumes fit the job description for the better (and sometimes worse). Recruiters have many accounts to han dle and many job seekers to find, but they play no role in making the hiring decision. They will fight for you at times, but never at the risk of doing harm to themselves.Danger Putting all your eggs in one basket with one person not in charge of hiring you and with limited information about what is really required for the job and company.2. Spending money on advice from the wrong sourceRegardless of the professional resume you had worked out and paid for to show you want, if a recruiter needs it to look a certain way for his/her client, they may ask you to rewrite it. It is not that your resume is wrong or bad, but it does not fit the needs of the recruiter who contacted you.Why did they contact, or answer you, if the resume seems like it needs to be rewritten? This is a question you should always ask the recruiter. If they do ask you to rewrite some words on the resume for a job, it is primarily to fulfill the needs of their account. So, as a job seeker, you have to learn how to s ay No when called to interview for a job you know will be a waste of time.Danger Spending wasted funds on resumes, not because you need to, but because you believe you are supposed to because the recruiter said to do it.3. Limiting your options and lengthening your job searchInstead of trying any form of one-size-fits-all theory, try new and innovative ideas to networkwith others. For exampleCleaning up your entire social media footprintMaking 1st-degree connections within companies you like on LinkedInReaching out to former colleagues and old friendsCommunicating online using the right words related to jobs you wantAttend face-to-face MeetupsGet help from other services with proven track records of helping others find workYeah, apply for online job postings, too, but only for quality postingsBe creative. We are in a connected world. Contact recruiters to let them know you are job seeking, yes, but you have so many other ideas to try.Danger Ultimately, in a small, connected, and glo bal geschftlicher umgang world, believing only one idea will work limits your opportunities and sets you up for wasting money, a longer job search, and frustration at an entire industry you completely misunderstood. Be yourself, for better and for worse. Learn from your failures and never be afraid to try a new idea. Eventually, you will end up at the right company because you knew it was right.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Submit Your Nomination for the New Faces of Engineering Profe...

Submit Your Nomination for the New Faces of Engineering Profe... Submit Your Nomination for the New Faces of Engineering Profe... Submit Your Nomination for the New Faces of Engineering Professional and College Edition ProgramsOct. 7, 2016 Nominations are now being accepted for New Faces of Engineering Professional and New Faces College Edition, two DiscoverE programs that recognize the achievements of both practicing engineers and engineering students. ASME members and student members who would like to nominate themselves or a colleague to represent the Society in either of the 2017 New Faces programs have until Nov. 18 to complete and submit an online nomination form. The New Faces of Engineering Professional program highlights the contributions of early career engineers to the profession and the resulting impact on society. To represent ASME in the 2017 New Faces Professional class, nominees must be members of ASME, 30 years of age or younger as of Dec. 31, 2016, w ith a degree in engineering from an ABET-accredited U.S. college or university or from an equivalent international institution. The second New Faces program, New Faces College Edition, acknowledges the accomplishments of engineering undergraduates. Nominees must be third-, fourth- or fifth-year students with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. They must also be enrolled in a Bachelor of Science engineering program from an ABET-accredited U.S. college or university or its equivalent. The top New Faces Professional and College Edition applicants from each participating engineering organization will be selected by DiscoverE and announced on April 5, 2017. New Faces Professional winners will be featured on the DiscoverE website and in national and local U.S. media outlets. Winners of the New Faces College Edition will receive scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000 and will be featured on the DiscoverE website, the College Editions Facebook page, and in an ad in thei r college newspaper.To nominate an ASME member or student member for either of the New Faces programs, or for more information, visit For more information on DiscoverE and its programs, visit

Monday, December 16, 2019

What the Best Places to Interview Want You To Know Before You Apply

What the Best Places to Interview Want You To Know Before You ApplyWhat the Best Places to Interview Want You To Know Before You Apply When it comes to job vorstellungsgesprchs, tzu siches no room for guesswork or mistakes. Thats why preparing for the phone call or in-person chat is vital. But instead of wasting your time reading generic interview questions, get focused by seeing what candidates at the particular company have said about the interview and what the process is like. Check out hundreds of interview reviews on Glassdoor to get the inside scoop.Want a bit more help in preparing for your interview? Sure, no problem. We reached out to the 2017 Best Place to Interview winners to ask what they want to see from you, the candidate. Heres they break down what skills, attributes and answers they want to get from you when you interview for them . Dig in and prepare like a pro.The skills that I would want to see from senior candidates are the soft skills nee ded to be successful in the particular position that arent teachable or very hard to teach such as, the ability to be flexible , put others first, have a concern for safety first, customer service skills, etc. In most cases, you can teach hard skills. Qualities and characteristics in senior candidates should consist of a polished and professional demeanor . Senior candidates should possess flexibility and an open mind yet be strong enough to support his/her thoughts and suggestions. Senior candidates should be confident in their ability to do the job as well as be a mentor or coach for those that are new. A good senior candidate will know the job and the skills needed to be successful but will be open to learning new ideas and processes. Must be open to learning new skills and information. - Whitney Fugate, Team Leader in the Adult Acute Unit at SSM Health DePaul HospitalResearch our company so you can have a smart conversation about things like the conscientious ways we ge t products to market, or our commitment to the community. Anytime a candidate can talk about the company beyond I like your clothes Ive been buying them since I was a kid, Im super impressed. - Recruiters at Gap Inc.No two candidates are the same, nor would we want them to be Each candidate has their own unique personality, skill set, goals and potential. At Cerner, we focus on key attributes like agility, accountability, innovation, and collaboration that we believe are crucial to an associates success. A candidate that is able to articulate how they have displayed these attributes in the past and how they can bring these strengths to our culture at Cerner is a candidate that stands out above the rest. - Heather Evans, Sr Recruiting freund at Cerner CorporationIts important to have integrity, a sense of servanthood, and a sense of humility. These qualities translate into doing the right thing, putting the care of others first, and relating well to others. - Kirsten C., Re cruiter at Baylor Scott & White HealthIf you have an interview with a hiring manager, either on the phone or face to face, you have that persons name. Take the time to look them up on LinkedIn - not to recite their entire rsum back to them, but to show that you have a level of investment in the position . That makes you different from candidates who dont bother to do a little extra. - Recruiters at Gap Inc. Positive energy, team player , dedicated to our mission/values, patient-focused, compassionate, open to change, forward thinking, and driven are some of the characteristics that most stand out to me. - Jessie Pace, Talent Specialist at SSM HealthThe work we do is challenging and transformative, so we look for candidates that can articulate personal motivations and commitment to shape the future of our industry. When discussing previous employment, its great when a candidate can highlight their accomplishments and successes through specific examples and business impacts . Innovating at the intersection of technology, health, and care, our environment is ever-changing. We look for future Associates that demonstrate flexibility and adaptability while taking on a variety of responsibilities.- Jessica Lamb, Manager & Lead Campus Recruiter at Cerner CorporationBooz Allen has exceptional people empowered to change the world to excel, do right, and to generate positive change in everything we do. We bring bold thinking and a desire to be the best in our work of solving our clients complex challenges. So were looking for senior candidates that are technical experts that also possess a business mindset - leaders who are working at the bleeding edge of technology within their lines of business . The right senior leader approaches problems consultatively and is a great representation of Booz Allen. This translates into senior leaders who empower their teams to proactively seek innovative strategies for solving the missions of our clients in ways yo u can see and touch. - Scott Barish, Digital Solutions Recruiting Lead at Booz Allen HamiltonI want them to be good listeners, intelligent and open to making mistakes and learning from them . I also want them to be humble and supportive with their teams. - Stormy Anderson, HR Leader at SSM HealthOne of the important qualities I look for in a senior candidate is their enthusiasm about the opportunity. They may have the required experience and background, but I want to be able to see that they genuinely want to work for our company. We want to hire the candidate that has the experience and shows us why they want the job, not the candidate that just has the experience. - Brian Abucay, Senior Recruiter at Cadence Design SystemSomeone that is vulnerable in the interview. Not just giving canned answers but someone who is honest and leads with humility and is relatable. High emotional intelligence and maturity Candidates that think strategically as opposed to reactively. - Hi ring Managers at Academy Sports + OutdoorsThe skills qualities and characteristics I look for in a candidate A connection in some way to our value statement. I look for word choices in key questions such as why did you select health care I love to care for patients, I am compassionate, my family has been a patient here and the staff is increasable and I want to do that make a difference in someones life. - Jenny Bothun, Registered Nurse at SSM Health

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Biologist CV Template Format

Biologist CV Template FormatBiologist CV Template FormatCreate this Resume ObjectiveLooking for a Biologist position in a reputable research oriented organization that offers opportunities for upward growthPersonal InformationTimothy Arviso890 Jefferson StreetOnancock, VA 23417(111)-317-7647t.arvisosampleresume.netDate of Birth May 6, 1979Place of Birth Atlanta, GACitizenship AmericanGender MaleProfile Summary Chromatographic methods (GLC, TLC) Solid experience in Recryctallization Distillation Skilled in pathological and toxicological analysisEducationDoctor of Medicine, 2006Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, ILB.S. in Biology, 2002Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, ILEmployment HistoryMarine Biologist, 2007 PresentAquatic Watch, Cambridge, MDResponsibilities Conducted investigation on dead marine animals. Utilized Epifluorescence Microscopy in documenting bacteria cell counts. Filtered seawater to be used in lab experiments. Studied life of dolphins, recorded t heir breathing, behavior, and their surface intervals. Studied tissue samples of pathological toxicological analysis.Biologist, 2006 2007Biotech Lab, Cambridge, MD Collected the materials to be used in scientific research. Ensured that all lab supplies and equipments are properly sterilized before and after use. Presented scientific reports to the research Team. Conducted fund-raising activities to finance the companys projects. Utilized High Resolution Fluorescence Spectroscopy in studying water samples.ResearchZooplankton Colony and its CultureIchthyology GeneticsTrainingTraining in Organic Chemistry I and II Animal PhysiologyAwardBest Employee of the Year, 2005Professional MembershipNational Marine Mammal SocietySkillsData analysis tools Grams AI, MatLabExpert skill in Microscopy techniquesHighly skilled in Gel electrophoresis Customize ResumeMore CV SamplesBiologist CV Bus Driver CV Clerk CV College Professor CV

Friday, December 6, 2019

Kids, Work and Information Security Analyst Resume

Kids, Work and Information Security Analyst Resume Ensure that your resume has a professional appearance, and its simple for an employer to read and understand. Employers react in various ways--candor is the very best approach. Many employers wont even take a look at your resume should you not catch their attention at first. Most employers are not going to read on if the objective doesnt match the position which theyre hiring for. Employers are seeking candidates who possess a nutritious balance of hard and soft skills to find the task done properly. A Career Objective is valuable if youre applying to a certain position and equipped to tailor your objective especially for that job. Recruiters would want to learn if youre right-fit for their organization. Resume headline is intended to be written in a brief and concise method. Preparation of everyday shift reports to the customers. There are many types of Analysts based on the essence of the business, and the work profile. On the occasion an attack dogs get through, hiring managers want to understand that you know how to respond to such creatures. When done correctly do you are resume proves to your reader that it is possible to identify prospective threats, develop strategies for handling higher priority issues, and define strategies to minimize consequences in case of an attack. The capability to balance risk mitigation with business requirements. One of the best methods to apply careers on the world wide web is to join with certain on-line job websites. A superb procedure to make certain your continue is flawless is to find the assistance of an expert job application writer. Theres basically no guaranteed answer for this query but here are some ideas which will be (with a little bit of luck) useful for you just in the event you are still not receiving any phone calls. When the issue is situated, I possess the training and experience to repair the problem to ensure it never happens again. The Meaning of Information Security Analyst Resume Theres no firm and quick degree requirement for Security Analysts. For instance, if the candidate were trying to find a position inside an industry outside banking, he would probably omit the particular items geared exclusively towards financial services firms. If you wish to work as a Network Security Analyst, concentrate on the next. Information security analysts are accountable for very complex technical tasks, which is precisely why undergoing an official education is so critical. Most job postings ask for 1-5 decades of experience. Infographic resumes become much more well-known. Needless to say, each job will call for various abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the work description carefully and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. You have the ability to search jobs dependent on the locations you want. The Information Security Analyst Resume Game Having said this, there are a great deal of current analysts who have gone through weird and excellent routes. All you will need is a chance and thats the value of landing the entry level position. If you want to find work, you might be brief upon cash. Tell everyone youre aware that youre looking for work. Moreover, security analysts are liable for keeping the corporations security systems updated and creating documentation and planning for most security-related info, including incident response and disaster recovery plans. A security analyst accounts for keeping the security and integrity of information. Information security analysts work with different members of an organization and has to have the ability to communicate security measures and threats to people from a wide range of technical and non-technical backgrounds. They have to be focused on the details of a security system, noting any minor changes, and foreseeing any vermgen problems, however small.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Email, Text Message, Facebook Oh My! Communicating With Candidates in the Age of Overload

Email, Text Message, Facebook Oh My Communicating With Candidates in the Age of Overload Too much convenience can be a bad thing. For proof, look no further than the proliferation of communication methods in the digital age.At first glance, this has been a great development for us all. It wasnt that long ago when phone tag reigned supreme (admittedly, we havent totally vanquished that nuisance just yet). Now, if you place a call and someone doesnt pick up, you can always text them. Or email them. Or hop on Facebook. Or tweet at them.The saatkorn holds true for interactions with companies. If you cant get customer service on the line, you can always tweet at the corporate account.As a bonus, the added publicity of the actoften pressures companies to take swift corrective actions to address your woes.The recruiting process is no different. Where once candidates could only send in resumes and cross their fingers, social media, email, and SMS have given them the ability to stay in constant contact with potential employers.The problem is, employers dont alwaysget back to them. Not because employers dont want to stay in touch with candidates but because the barrage of communication can be hard for any one recruiter to keep up with.It seems a new communication app or platform is popping up every day The downside to this is recruiters and employers need to constantly stay on top of them and adapt so that they are able to get in touch with the candidates using behauptung new communication technologies, says Howie Schwartz, CEO and cofounder of sourcing and engagement platform Crowded. These days, it seems there needs to be a whole entire team dedicated to research and collecting data on where your candidates are most engaged so that your recruiters know where to focus their efforts on.The other monkey wrench is that not all candidates are open to being contacted via the same platforms. Some will gladly welcome a text from a recruiter, while others will immediately blacklistany recruiter or employer attempting to contact them via that channel.With the emergence of any new chat technology comes just one more way for a candidate to ignore you, Scwhartz says. Employers need to have some sort of line that is drawn to ensure they are not crossing over personal boundaries to communicate with candidates.Cutting Through the Noise With a Cross-Channel PlatformIn an effort tohelp recruiters and candidates more easily connect with one another, Crowded has built support for cross-channel communication into its latest release version. The platform currently supports SMS, Facebook Messenger, and email, with plans to add Slack, Skype, WhatsApp, WeChat, and more in the future.For those who are unfamiliar with Crowded, the platform allows candidates to create accounts and advertise their skills and abilities. Based on this information, candidates are matched with potential jobs. Employers, too, also receive curated lists of candid ates whose backgroundsalign with their hiring needs.The platform allows candidates and potential employers to chat with one another via multiple channels, thereby collecting all recruiter/candidate communication in one central location.One click from your mobile device or messaging platform will start the conversation across any channel with any of behauptung candidates, Schwartz explains.Cross-channel communication via a centralized platform allows employers and recruiters to connect with a variety of candidates in real time.This means a faster, more efficient hiring process for everyone involved, Schwartz says. By wrangling candidates into one channel, you are restricting your opportunities to reach these potential new hires, and you are essentially narrowing your candidate pool.Schwartz also notes that cross-channel communication can make it easier for recruiters to respect their candidates communication preferences.For example a candidate may love WhatsApp to communicate with th eir friends, but they may wish to use Skype or Facebook Messenger for business and to engage in interview chats, Schwartz says.When all these channels are available in the same place, recruiterswont have to jump from platform to platform just to reach out to different candidates.Given that it looks like new chat platforms will continue to pop up in the coming years, Im starting to think that Crowdeds move may be the beginning of a trend. I sure hope it is. Being a recruiter is hectic enough. Itd be nice if we could bring a little more convenience to their lives.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How the Fluid Flows

How the Fluid Flows How the Fluid Flows How the Fluid FlowsTake a water-saturated sponge and place it in a bowl filled with almost any liquid. The results could prove relevant to future carbon dioxide storage methods.Fluids move and interact within porous networks in a complex manner. Pinning down the methods behind a certain type of fluid displacement within porous material could help researchers come up with the best ways to store carbon dioxide in undersea rocks or to leach contaminants from soil, says Marcel Moura, a researcher at the University of Oslos newly established PoreLab.Marcel Moura, left, and Knut Jrgen Mly, a University of Oslo professor of physics, with the system theyve made from synthetic porous samples overlaid with glass. Image Wenche Willoch/UiOHe and fellow PoreLab researchers recently demonstrated the process through which fluid moves from a porous materiallike the sponge or porous rockswhen another liquid is forced into the material.When a material full of po res, like a rock or a sponge, is soaked in a fluid and then another fluid is forced in, an interesting dynamics arises, Moura says. The invading fluid sequentially displaces the other one from the pores.Such displacement takes place when air is shot into an underground cavern filled with water or when water makes its way into a patch of oil-soaked ground.In this type of fluid flow, the first liquid follows a mathematical formula when it ebbs from its surroundings. And the process is actually commonplace.It happens in carbon sequestration, but also simply when writing on a paper and the ink displaces the air from the voids between paper fibers, or when we water the plants and water displaces air from the soil pores, Moura says.And solid porous materials represent one of the most promising technologies for separating and storing gases, which is important in the generation and use of energy, Moura adds. Carbon sequestration, for example, aims to store carbon dioxide in a number of ways , such as underground in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline formations, and un-minable coal beds, or by injecting carbon dioxide deep within the ocean floor.Thats why studying the way the method of displacement is important, Moura says. The mathematical formula involved in the fluid displacement process can be used by those working on methods of carbon sequestration as well as in the many fields in which one fluid displaces another from a porous network, he says.The formula for the way liquids percolate and scale within a fluid-filled porous structure was first published in 1988 by University of Oslo researchers in the physics department. They used computer simulations to quantify the relative probabilities of this type of pore displacement and made predictions about how that probability would vary with space and time. But they were never able to verify those predictions experimentally.Nearly thirty years later, Moura and his fellow researchers have verified the computational r esults by studying fluid motion inside a system they built that uses synthetic porous samples and modern prestige analysis techniques. Its encased in glass.Its transparent, which is convenient because we can directly see the fluids moving inside of it, Moura says Having a very simplified system like ours is convenient because things become more comprehensible than in a real porous network like a rock in the subsea or real soils. Nevertheless, of course we dont capture the full myriad of phenomena that occur in real systems.The PoreLab team was able to verify the 1988 predictions and offer an explanation for the way one liquid displaces another within a porous substance.Future researchers can use both the formula and the PoreLab teams findings when investigating their own techniques for carbon sequestration or soil contamination cleanup, he says.The Porelab itself is a new and novel lab, created in 2017 as a Norwegian Centre of Excellence and housed at the Norwegian University of Sci ence and Technology in Trondheim and at the University of Oslo. The group focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods. Scientists in physics, chemistry, and reservoir engineering lead the PoreLab team.The lab addresses fundamental scientific questions in a field that historically has been dedicated to specific applications, Moura says.Kicking off its work by verifying the way fluids displace other liquid within a porous material could aid researchers looking to halt climate change.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionHaving a very simplified system like ours is convenient because things become more comprehensible than in a real porous network like a rock in the subsea or real soils. Prof. Marcel Moura, University of Oslo

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to develop mastery, make millions, and be happy

How to develop mastery, make millions, and be happyHow to develop mastery, make millions, and be happyIdea 1 You dont have a preexisting passion (nor should you want one).Idea 2 Becoming really good at something and generously using your skills to help the right people is how you quickly succeed.- - - In the book, So Good They Cant Ignore You, Cal Newport dispels the myth of what he calls, The Passion Hypothesis.The most common and cliche advice about seeking a happy life and prosperous career is to follow your passion. Millennials are notorious for seeking fulfilling and passion-filled jobs, only to be left disappointed and disappointing.The primary problem, according to Newport, with the passion hypothesis is that all the attention is focused on the self. People who want a job they are passionate about are less concerned about what they can give to the world and are more concerned about what the world can give to them.There is no right jobEverything popular is wrong. - Oscar Wild eMost people are unsuccessful for a reason. They operate with faulty assumptions about how the world works.One of those assumptions is that we as people have preexisting passions we need to discover and then follow. Famed psychologist and author of Mindset, Carol Dweck, would call this a fixed mindset.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Rather than selfishly seeking a life youre passionate about, Newport recommends becoming a craftsman, wherein you develop rare and valuable skills. Newport calls these rare and valuable skills, career capital.Heres how this workYou determine skills and abilities that would be useful to the world.You set clear goals for mastering those rare and valuable skills.You engage in deliberate practice, pushing your skills and abilities to mastery.As you get better, you begin to develop confidence in yourself (confidence doesnt create high performance, it is the byproduct of high performance).As you develop confidence, you begin to deeply enjoy what youre doing - and become very passionate about it. As Newport explains, Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it.As your expertise, confidence, and passion grows, you begin to see your work as a calling or mission (like passion and confidence, your identity and personality are byproducts, not innate).Because you have developed such mastery of rare and useful skills, you have the perspective and context to discern the cutting edge of your field.You can then begin making distinct connections and projections into what has been dubbed, The adjacent possible which Steven Johnson described as, a kind of shadow future, hovering on the edges of the present state of things, a map of all the ways in which the present can reinvent itself. In other words, this i s how you become an innovator and a shaper of societal and global change.Quick re-cap of takeaways and then a road-map of the howHere is a quick recap of the core ideas in developing masteryYou dont have an innate passion that you should follow, instead, your passion follows youConfidence isnt what leads to success, instead, successful behavior is what leads to confidenceAs you develop career capital through mastering rare and valuable skills, youll begin to develop confidence, passion, and personalityThus, your personality doesnt shape your behavior, but instead, your behavior shapes your personalityYou are the shaper of your identity, happiness, and the impact of your lifes workIf you believe the reverse of any of these things, you have a fixed mindset, which assumption will keep you stuck and rigid.How to develop mastery, make millions, and be happyIf you want to love what you do, abandon the passion mindset (what can the world offer me?) and instead adopt the craftsman mindset ( what can I offer the world?). - Cal NewportThis final section briefly sketches the how-to in developing mastery, making millions, and being happy. All three of these things are byproducts of making congruent, aligned, and consistent choices.Develop masteryIf you want to become successful, its better to follow what successful people did to get there than to follow what they do after achieving success.What people do after becoming successful is often very different than what they did to get there. This is true for a few key reasonsWhat got you here wont get you there. In other words, what got people successful isnt what keeps them successful. There are levels, and your strategy must change the higher up you go. If you dont evolve and adapt, youll plateau.Which is what most people do. They reach a certain level of success, become comfortable, and stop growing. To quote Greg McKeown, Success becomes a catalyst for failure.In order to get out of a plateau, you must embrace a learners min d, leverage your position, and laterally jump into new projects that force new growth and development.If you look at any person who is honestly seeking a higher level of success, they are usually waking up early, studying and learning lots, seeking advice and feedback, and creating, testing, and failing.This is harder to do once youve gained a certain level of expertise and success. Once you become comfortable, its hard to go back to the discomfort of learning and humility. Some of the worlds most famous chefs continually remake their menu from scratch, even after theyve become world-class and received global recognition, because for them, its about the process of growth and creativity.According to Tucker Max, many people who become good at something immediately believe they are good at everything. They arent. And this is a key reason many successful people plateau. They get fat and lazy, and stop doing high quality work and pushing themselves to greater mastery. They stop thinking about what they can do for the world and instead focus on what the world can do for them. According to Cal Newport, if you stop developing more career capital, it begins to fade away. You can only use up so much of what you got until you have to get more. Career capital is a resource that you use. And if you dont use it, youll lose it.Make millionsLife gives to the giver and takes from the taker. - Joe PolishDeveloping mastery to the point of making actual impact will not develop until you beginInvesting in yourself, andInvesting in key relationshipsIf you invest in the stock market, you may be able to get a 1015% return. However, when you invest in yourself and in relationships, you can often get a 1,000% or 10X return.According to Strategic Coach founder, Dan Sullivan, growing by 10X is actually easier than growing by 2X.When you make investments in yourself, you shatter unhealthy and limiting subconscious patterns. You upgrade your sense of what you can be, do and have.When you i nvest in key relationships, you put yourself into proximity to the best and most generous mentors available. You gain immediate access to people and ideas that could never have been possible without such relationships.Investing actual dollars in both yourself and others dramatically changes the psychology of things. When you invest in yourself, you become highly committed to what youre doing. Investing in yourself is an act that facilitates what Charles Darwin would call, Selective Pressure, which is a phenomenon that alters the behavior and fitness of living organisms within a given environment. It is the driving force of evolution and natural selection.Investing in yourself creates internal supply to match the external demand of the investment. The bigger you invest, the bigger the psychological leap - which then facilitates a radical upgrade in behavior, confidence, harmonious passion, and outcomes.Investing in relationships creates the optimal level of synergy - where both par ties can go higher and deeper than ever before - because both are invested in each other. Crazy stuff happens when you invest dollars into the causes and cares of other people. It changes the dynamics of the relationship incredibly. Those you invest in will go above and beyond to help you in all youre doing. It becomes more than a relationship - it becomes a mission to help you and what youre doing.Joe Polish, founder of Genius Network, has what calls the Magic Rapport Formula, which leads to 10X relationships and growth, and includes the following conceptsFocus on how you will help them reduce their sufferingInvest time, money, and energy on relationshipsBe the font of person they would always answer the phone forBe useful, grateful, and valuableTreat others how you would love to be treatedAvoid formalities, be fun and memorable, not boringAppreciate peopleGive value on the spotGet as close to in-person as you canWhen you engage with givers who operate by these principles, incred ibly synergistic possibilities arise. Ive engaged in such possibilities, and can honestly attest to the 10X principle. My income has gone up at least 10X the last three years in a row - from making basically nothing to making seven figures - and I anticipate 10X continuing to happen as I humbly engage these principles.The only way this is possible is by continually honing your career capital, investing in the right relationships, and then generously GIVING your rare and valuable skills to the success of other peoples goals.It is by giving that your rare skills and abilities continue to develop and grow. It is by giving and investing in other people that your network becomes world-class and your ability to make lots of money becomes easy. Your network is your net worth.Be happyDont aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side ef fect of ones personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of ones surrender to a person other than oneself. - Viktor E. FranklHappiness is a byproduct. You cannot pursue it directly. It comes from dedicating yourself to a cause you firmly believe.In order to dedicate yourself to a cause you believe in, you must invest yourself in the development of rare skills and abilities, which then lead to confidence, passion, and purpose. That purpose is your cause, which you now have skills and passion to contribute to.You love what you invest yourself in.Happiness comes from investing yourself deeply into something and someone other than yourself.Happiness cant come from following a self-centered and obsessive passion aimed only at making yourself feel good. Happiness comes from self-growth and using that growth to make the world a better place.Either youre focused onGrowth or greed (what can I give to the world vs. what can the world give to me)Giving or takingNur ture or naturePossibility or rigidnessYoure happiest when youre growing and giving. When youve become dedicated to something bigger than yourself. When youre engaged in work you have control and autonomy over and which work is making a tangible impact in the lives of other people. You can only have this type of work by developing mastery, investing in others, and being a giver.You ready?Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis column first appeared on Medium.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Community and Public Service Resume Templates 2018s Top Formats

Community and Public tafelgeschirr Resume Templates 2018s Top FormatsCommunity and Public tafelgeschirr Resume Templates - 2018s Top FormatsWhat Its Like to Work In the Community Public Service FieldChallenging and rewarding, careers in community and public tafelgeschirr are fast-paced, focused, and full of days spent negotiating with various constituencies. From police officers and city planners to non-profit organization executives, community and public service professionals spend a good deal of time working closely with the public, special interest groups, elected officials, and community leaders.Frequently employed and directed by boards, commissions, and elected councils, community and public servants must navigate political considerations, community needs, ambitious agendas, and often-limited funding. A skillfully crafted community and public service resume demonstrates stellar negotiating prowess, outstanding communication talents, and strong stewardship of public or commun ity funds.Benefits of Working in the Community Public Service FieldTake a look at the community and public service resumes of working professionals and youll find frequent and long-standing commitments to improving the lives of others. Whether theyre working in local government or the non-profit field, fruchtwein in the industry appreciate their ability to contribute to society and democracy in deeply meaningful and rewarding ways.Aside from the altruistic benefits of working in public service, these positions often provide countless opportunities for career development and advancement. These jobs require a great deal of public trust, so newer professionals with strong community and public service resumes and a willingness to work diligently are frequently promoted to increasingly advanced positions.Why You Need a ResumeWhether yure a recent high school or college graduate or a skilled professional, a deftly crafted community and public service resume can open all the right doors. In addition to highlighting relevant work experience and education, a savvy community and public service resume translates life experiences into required skill sets like communicating with the public and negotiating often-competing interests. With these talents and accomplishments showcased in a community and public service resume, potential employers and interview panels can more easily see how you fit into and benefit their organizations.Community and Public ServicePublic HealthReligion and TheologyDevelopment and FundraisingCommunity and Public Service Resume Questions1. How do you list education on a community and public service resume?Create an education section to follow your resumes experience section. List your educational background, starting with your most recent or advanced degree and working backward in time. Only list the degrees or diplomas relevant to the advertised job, however. Providing your entire educational history adds unnecessary length to your resume, hinderi ng the hiring managers review. Our community and public service resume sample collection contains examples of education sections.2. What goes in the qualifications section of a community and public service resume?Community and public service professions are diverse, ranging from counselors and educators to fundraising and community health specialists. As a result, qualifications vary from profession to profession. You should only list those relevant to the advertised job. If youre applying for a counselor position, for example, you may choose to include vocational licenses, one-time or ongoing training courses, and CPR or first aid certification. Browse our community and public service resume sample set for ideas on what to include in your qualifications section.3. How do you list awards on your community and public service resume?If youve received one or two professional awards, consider listing them along with with a specific job in your experience section. Perhaps you received an employee of the month award during your time as a community health specialist. In tying the award to your professional experience, youre showing the hiring manager you stand out in the workplace. If youre a seasoned professional with a long list of awards, consider creating a separate accomplishments section in which to showcase these career peaks. Our community and public service resume sample collection provides some great examples of how to present awards.4. How can you separate your community and public service resume from other candidates resumes?The most effective resumes contain only the information most relevant to the advertised job. They also use powerful examples to communicate the applicants unique professional skills and accomplishments. As you can see from our community and public service resume sample set, simple formatting is also a common denominator. Keep your document short, succinct, and cleanly formatted so that hiring managers can easily scan it. Ready to crea te your professional calling card? No more writers block use our quick, step-by-step resume builder.5. How do you list references on a community and public service resume?Its no longer necessary to include the phrase References available upon request at the end of your professional document. While this used to be a resume-writing best practice, todays jobseekers use this area of important real estate for illustrating their skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Browse our community and public service resume sample for examples of contemporary documents. If hiring managers request your references, provide this list to them on a separate print or digital document. Format it in the same style as your resume to create a consistent look and feel for your professional documents.How to write a Community and Public Service ResumeList your accomplishments Using a separate piece of paper, brainstorm your achievements.Inspect Community and Public Service resume samples to help navigate the resume creation process Check out our Community and Public Service resume samples to gain insight into the process.Write a header and place it at the top of your Community and Public Service resume Your header should include your name, phone number, email address, and personal website (if you have one). Make it professional, but attractive.Craft a strong summary statement Make a brief statement that covers the most important elements of your professional self. Cover your achievements and areas of expertise. Check the job description to make sure it aligns with your statement.Detail your skills in a qualifications or areas of expertise section Provide a list of your talents in your Community and Public Service resume. Check the job description to make sure the skills you mentioned align with those the employer wants. Place it under your summary statement.Outline your work history on your resume List the jobs youve had in reverse chronological order. Write the dates you worked, the position you held, and the name of the company.Include a concise account of what you did at each job listed Under each entry, write a bulleted explanation of your responsibilities and accomplishments at those jobs. Review the job description and the list you made in step one as you do so.Provide your education at the bottom Remember to include the highest degree or diploma you obtained. Include the name of the school and the year you got it (or will get it).